Tuesday, February 23, 2010

*Octavian Nothing :trader to that nation*

Well seeing as how this is due 2day...and i cant contact my cheif (The Wroldest bestest librarian ever(Ms.Murphy of course)) well anywho i have not the slightest idea of what must be inputted into this blog....so here goes nothing.......dum dum duuummm!!!

Well my assigment although not as top secerte as i wish is would be was really fun...i read the book Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation by: M.T Anderson (i wonder if hes full or empty(i mean considering the fact that M.T sounds like empty)well anyways) This is a book about a kid named Octavian who has the "luck" to be given a "great education"....but the book takes place bak in the 1700's....so slavery was still up and fighting. so ocatvian a prince from some part of Africa grows up in a weird place were his feaces are weighed and the ppl dont have names but numbers....this book is all about him growing up and the struggles he faces ...not to mention the pox party ...but you'll read about that later on....but all of his questions as to why they are educating him are awnserd after opening the forbidden door.....were he finds his pupose and the horrible experiments that take place their....

i Loved this book it was so weird and strange and creepy at the same time..this book is in my top ten books/series i have ever read....quite boring in the begining but addicting as u go on..i highly reccomend this book to anyone who wants to be freaked out...i deem this book: weirdo-book of the month!!!

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