Thursday, February 18, 2010

lunch in the and bannana yellow at my side)

another Random Post
well im in the library with these two ppl who are talking about omg.... but yeah umm.. well im kinda bored so im doing this... i mean nooffense to kitty and yellow person but i mean come she said yeah....i mean its awsome how u tie a tie....... and you bake cook-ies and cook omg hu.......they say my posts aren't very imformative and anger the i need to say a fun/weird/random/ fact a day(i mean a post shhh) well yeah that means a random or wicked post. but thats at the end not now
well we just got into a fight about cake and pie and cheesecake....but considering how this is my post ...i win....cuz m awsome..... so yeah its like pie/cake/cheesecake...yay....umm yeah like toodles(never say oodle without the noodle)
crazy fact: sherlock holmes never said"its elementry my dear wattson"

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