Sunday, February 21, 2010


well its time to tell u something i would never usally say..... i mean dont get me wrong i love cake... i really do..i mean ice crem cake....cheesecake....and cake...not to metion the cupcakes........
but this cake right here is giving me second thoughts about cake..ppl...
i mean look at it its so freaky i wouldn't want to get a slice of the head cuz i would be worried that it would be lloking at me while i ate... this thing looks like it was alive at one point... i mean its the most (creepiest/freaky/weird= creard)creard,prounonced: cr-ea-rd, thing ive ever seen and would never eat it ...i chose this cke simply becuse its so freaky and weird and in a gross kinda way wicked....pretty wierd how ppl find these cakes repulsive...yet keep coming bak 4 more... i tink ppl keep coming back because of the hilerious categoies and funny captions under the only some cakeagoies r hideous and the rest r really funny and awsome.

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