Friday, January 29, 2010

The "BlOgS"

so 2day i explored beyond the blog i call my own...and i found two pretty sweet blogs..... i beleive they are really awsum ...ironiclly one of them is called 1000 awsum things...this blog rocks becuase they count down from 1000 to 1 of the worlds most greatest things...but their all little tins nobody wants to tink finding a big toenail u cut off and went flying across the room......and brocoflower..... i recomend this blog to 1 and all.. 1000 awsum things= wicked

wicked= sweet/ awsum/ rockerific/ cool/ means everything...

the second one is thisisindexed....wich is pretty random and funny if u like irony....i recommend it to all my weirdos.....i mean who has hundreds od women that love thme yet have so std's???? only james bonds... lol

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