Thursday, March 11, 2010

Battle of the authors: 2nd fight

WElcome dudes , dudets and everyone in betweento th second fight of this wicked we will have Anothny Horowitz head to head with Eoin Colfer....

Round 1 the websites:

well Eion has a new website..well an improved one..and it has links to his works, a link to learn about him, a link to other links..and a link to a couple of his adventures...that he has gone on...which include book signings and other kool stuff...his website is realy simple and easy to navigate...and very easy to understand....AND THE,,,,,Horowitz has a website too,HIS WEBISTE IS ALSO easy to navigate and easy to handle...he also has links to really awsome things and pictures of his adventures... AND THEY BOTH HAVE LINKS TO SHOPS WERE U CAN BUY ALL KINDS OF COOL STUFF...!!!!

Round 2 the books: mR.cOLFER HAS A VERY GREAT SERIES which is ABOUT A YOUNG ARTEMIS FOWL...boy genius.. the books are all about how he tries to find his father...take over the world...fightoff faries with his butler...which his name... just happens to b butler..(who is trained in every martial art, knows how 2 use just about every weapon...and is about as tall as big foot)..the books are great and r highly reccomended...Horowitz also has a pretty great series witch is called the Alex Rider series..the worlds most sucessful spy...did i mention he is only 14??all of the books take him on crazy adventures that are fun , exciting, addicting,life threatning...this series is highly reccomended...Alex Rider is a must read...

Round 3 the blogs:I am very sad to inform you all that neither of out contenders have a blog.... =[.so this round is a draw...(or at least i couldnt find their blogs..)

The Weaner of this*Drumroll*.......EIoN ColFeR

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