Monday, August 17, 2009

things that annoy edgar???

their aren't many things that annoy me just a few but I'm pretty sure it bugs other people too. i don't want to offend anyone, but if i do I'm really sorry.=]

one of the main things that annoy me is when your at a super market and you jump in the express line for 15 items or less, and the person in front of you knows they have way over 15 items. Another thing hat annoys me is when and ice cream truck is playing the music but they don't slow down or stop they just drive right by the street, its like their playing with kids feeling. Something that really annoys me and I'm pretty sure its disgusts everyone is when someone forgets to flush, who does that??? how hard is it to pull the little Handel and flush.

theses are just some of the things that annoy me. their aren't many but they do bug me.
ttfn bu-buy-now
(new posts coming soon...=])

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