Wednesday, April 14, 2010


ok well im here in the always wondered whta people would be...i mean if we were all fruits/ i know my friends mom..she would be a mandarin...sour and bitter on the outside...but sweet on the inside...franklin thinks hed b a banana...idk y...let me ask him...Franklin: im sweet and nice on the inside and...wait be a pear...sweet on the inside and on the outside.........well idk about that...but i would be a watermelon..becuase i have a hard outside...that looks all kinds of crazy..and on the inside ios a bunch of red squishy on the outside....sweet on the inside....welll their is this thing i discoved the other day...its called..."Morning wood"...its like this really crazy thing..its like what at the same time...its this band that i learned about during the weekend...FRanklin: WtFruit kinda name is prefer loaded diaper...Omg stop writing on my blog.....hector....would be a mango...hes always red/yellowish/pinkish....and he has this like mucky stufff on the inside....My back tied and thats not funny...i like kitty kats...i like kitty kats...i like kitty kats......and PIE......

Thursday, April 8, 2010

3 evil cousins(muahahaha)<------ evil laugh

vell vell vell...iv it isn't da 3 evil cousins.....(russian accent......or old school vampire accent).....they have this really kool blog...its all about books..and me being a reader and all i want to advertise/reccomend this blog to all of my favorite part about this blog is that the book reveiws are written 4 kids by their easir to understand.... (no really big edjumacated words)(ed-ju-ma-ca-ted)
we have this rubric(grading scale.....1-4) we use it too judge...i mean grade my most weirdo opinion(dont think the blog isn't good because im weird) but i beleive that these 3 evil cousins have earned a 4 out of four... 4 each category(presentation, mechanics and content)...or five out of five daggers as they say......Their blog is clearly written ...its easy to navigate...they are always adding new stuff too it.....its written espaially four kids but everyone would enjoy it ... i bleive everyone should read their blog and posts because they are entertaining and very wicked...
yours truly,
The Gummy Bear King