Friday, January 29, 2010

666....6 hundred and 66 really random crazy awsum things(not realy 666) i mean lost of random, stuff

this is my new feature on my least every week or month i will post up a really random thing on my blog..........that most of the time will leave u saying "what the gummy?".....(lol my friend Karen says that)

The "BlOgS"

so 2day i explored beyond the blog i call my own...and i found two pretty sweet blogs..... i beleive they are really awsum ...ironiclly one of them is called 1000 awsum things...this blog rocks becuase they count down from 1000 to 1 of the worlds most greatest things...but their all little tins nobody wants to tink finding a big toenail u cut off and went flying across the room......and brocoflower..... i recomend this blog to 1 and all.. 1000 awsum things= wicked

wicked= sweet/ awsum/ rockerific/ cool/ means everything...

the second one is thisisindexed....wich is pretty random and funny if u like irony....i recommend it to all my weirdos.....i mean who has hundreds od women that love thme yet have so std's???? only james bonds... lol

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I would just like to remind you guys that this is the WEirdo Blog!!!!! this "blog" is toatlly random(What The Fruit) *this one dude who tinks superman is a show off is sitting next to me ===) im being monitored by the computer that is in charghe of monitering...... hi monitering ppl.... =]

Monday, January 25, 2010

okay little miss sunshine

my fellow pupil (why on earth do we call kids pupils?) if you are looking for books that are written like diaries i reccomend the awsome saga/series : Diary of a wimpy kid, Diary of a wimpy kid: Rodrick Rules and Diary of a wimpy kid : The last straw (0 and the other awsome fouth book Diary of a wimpy kid: dog days. (their is all so the 5th one Diary of a wimpy kid: Do it yourself: in which you get to create ur own diary and comics))

Diary of a wimpy kid: the first book in this wicked series. In wich
Greg talks writes down his experiences in his "journal". Him and his best friend Rowley are small and weak and have to go through skool with jocks and bullies. But what happens when Rowely becomes more popular then Greg? Greg takes matters into his own hands to save their friendship... and not to mention the out of this world gross disgusting cheese..

Diary of a wimpy kid: Rodrick rules Book two of this insainly awesome series. In book two Greg writes in his "journal" and tells about his journeys with Rowely during his summer vacation and his return to school... and his battel to keep his brother(Rodrick) from telling everyone his most embarrassing experiance during the summer...

Diary of a wimpy kid: The Last Straw....the third book in this series of out of this world this third book Wimpy Greg is trying to go around his fathers attempt to en his wimpy ways....Greg fights and avoids it intill threatened with Military skool...

Book are highly recommended by your fav WeIrDo : ME


Okay well anomynous 8th grade student student who needs pictures of the civil war soilders in battel.....(I'll just call you Mr.x (but consideing how ur not my superier ill just call you x((but then again out of respect ill still call you Mr.X))) okay Mr.x if you want some good pics of some civil war soilders i reccomend you visit the schools digital library...... i suggest you go to :our skools digital library and on the bottom their will be a button that says History and geography..... from their a screen will pop up that has a list of his case you will be picking the wone that says US. Yet again another list is going to apear with a list of things that have happened in the US ( all kinds of wars and stuff) your best option is the civil war from their you will be taken to a new website with two options on Civil war resources...and a list will apear with all kinds of helpful resources...

well im very sad.....

well as me and my friend franklin have just been notified we might..well are...well idk....are failing this class......and were in the media/yearbook F = no more service........wich means no more yearbook...but that doesnt nesserily mean no more posts....i will continue to post but it wont be as fun anymore....i mean i realy like this class...... *Random Moment* Hector: SPARTA!!!!!!! *Random Moment* now
Ms.M and Mr.P are smad (sad and mad) so am i ...idk about franklin though he is just like : THE.....

I'm Baaaack!!!!!!

Well ladies and gentelmen the moment you've all been waiting for......the return of your fav weirdo.....Me!!!!! Well im back and ready for some weirdoness ......ive got a lot to post about ...this is my first post in a while my fellow weirdos so im a bit rusty...... i miss posting its like a diary but i dont beleive in its its like something else..... what it is .....idk? But i like it!!